Wednesday, February 6, 2013


For these two photos I followed a tutorial on how to achieved a "tea-stained" image and a "turquoise" image. This was done with gradient maps by adding an changing the color stops to a faded magenta or turquoise. Then by changing the opacity, you could make the effect as prominent as possible. I think this is really need and will definitely be using it to add a vintage effect to my images.

This tutorial was using HDR's to create a really cool black and white image. This allows you to really mess with the details of the image and get sort of a personalized black and white image. I thought this was really cool and a neat way to spice up a normal black and white image.

 This was stimulating a color grad filter. I used photo filters and the gradient tool to fade the image and give the sky a cool sunset. For this one, I used three different color filters to have a purple/pink sky. This is a great way to enhance sunsets/rises to create the perfect one!

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