Friday, September 14, 2012

Photoshop Tutorials

Custom Pattern Effects: This tutorial showed how to create a pattern that you can manipulate in an image. I chose this image that I took at a Train concert because it had a black background and was easy to add a pattern too. I chose a hieroglyphic background and I think it made the image really interesting and gave it a lot more depth. I really like how it turned out. 

The Bourne Effect: This tutorial showed how to recreate The Bourne Legacy movie poster. By using HDR Toning adjustment, you can make the image very contrasty and grungy. Then overlaying it with your original image you get the perfect effect. Using paths, you can create the bars, hiding parts of the image. I think this was a really great technique and can be used for any thing you're trying to create. 
*image and title courtesy of Ashley*

 Aging a Photo with Textures: In this tutorial, a quick and easy way was shown to make photos vintage looking. By using a paper texture and simply applying it to the image as an overlay, you get this really cool photo. I will definitely be using this technique on more photos.

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