Friday, February 24, 2012

2 More New Tricks!

In the first image, I learned how to manually cross process an image by going to the adjustments panel, then to curves. From there, I manually changed the reds, greens, and blues of the image until I got an effect I desired. The image turned out much brighter and interesting than the original and I really like it. I can now use this knowledge to enhance other photos.
In the second image, I learned how to color a black and white image. This was something I was always curious how to do and was excited I found a tutorial on it. All you have to do is color the section of the image you want on a blank layer and then change the layer mode from normal to color. This keeps the color but also brings back the texture of the original image.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


 For this assignment, we had to take a chair, cover it with strips of an image and then make a shadow for the chair. For the first chair, I used strips of an abstract image, dodged the center and burned the edges to create a more realistic chair and made a shadow with the light source coming from the left. I then skewed the shadow to make it more realistic. For the second chair, I used strips of one of my own works dodged the back and outside of one arm and burned the edges and inside of the other arm. I imagined light coming from the right and cast a shadow below the chair. I struggled on the first chair, making the shadow because I couldn't get it to look right, but I think the final product turned out okay. I really like the second chair I did though.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

New Tricks!

Today we had to watch tutorials on and try out two new techniques. The first image I tried Replacing a Sky. It was super simple, and you didn't have to spend a lot of time making selections. This will be really helpful for future projects and things I do. The other two images I tried Pushing Photos. I've seen a lot of photos like this, and I always wondered how to do them. It was really easy as well and it was fun to play around with the images once I pushed the image through the text.