Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Inspiring Artists

  These two images are both by Michele Harvey. They both look very realistic- almost as if they could be photographs. In the top one, I really like the 3 different images. The one on the left is very dark and kind of mystical. The one in the middle is different than the two on each side, more bright and colorful, but yet it still has a sense of dreariness with the fog surrounding the trees. The right image seems more.. hopeful that the left image of trees, with the light shining through the trees. Together, I think they make a very compelling painting that offers a lot of different emotions and interpretations. In a way, they tell a story through each painting. The second image is very simple, but I love it. The snow perfectly nestled on the branches is exactly what I think of when I think of winter. The little bench a few feet away, covered with a blanket of snow, just adds a certain touch. It makes me think of how it'd be a perfect place to go on a hot summer day, shaded from the sun by the huge tree. The large, dark trunk of the tree immediately draws your attention to the right side of the page. The use of rule of thirds in this image seems very appropriate because your eyes then follow the branches out to each side of the page, surrounded by nothing but snow. Everything is just so perfect and it would be a wonderful place to spend your time. 

   This painting was done by Michel Delacroix and is very different than the two above. It is bright and colorful and cartoonish. It evokes a sense of happiness and seems like something that could be from a children's story, yet it also seems like an interpretation of buildings i've seen in pictures before. I love all the little details and colors of the images. The main browns and blues with pops of tints of red adds depth to the image. I love the little tug boats in front with the steam coming out, along with the smoke from all the chimneys, to horse-drawn carriage and people in the background. The puffy, cartoon-like clouds just pull everything together and complete the painting. If this was an actual place, it would be somewhere that I would love to visit.

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