Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Color Series: Magenta

Luckily, I had just taken a roll all about color for photography when this was assigned. A lot of the photos already had some pink/magentas in it but I increased it a lot just by playing with the color selector. In some of the images, I desaturated everything else so the magenta really stood out. The barn, geranium. and railing were originally red. By taking the yellow out of the image and playing around with some of the other colors, I was able to make them magenta. I think these all came out really well and capture the color of magenta.

Friday, October 5, 2012


This is the flier I created for the Homecoming Dance. The theme was Footloose/Barn Dance, so I found this image of a barn that was lit up and colorful. I then found an image of the inside of a barn that had colorful lights. I manipulated this image to look like the inside of this barn. I added a lot of people to the inside to finish off the party aspect. Then I darkened the sky to create the effect that it was night time. For the font, I chose something that looked like the Footloose font to bring the two together. I added an outline and drop shadow to add a glowing effect. I really like how this turned out. The colors are very vibrant and it catches your eye.

I created this flier for Spirit Week. I decided to do something simple that would highlight this years theme: Movies. I made a simple collage of the four movie posters that are the sub themes for each grade. Finally, to tie it together, I used the fonts from the movies to create the header. I tried editing the pictures to make them a little more interesting, but they were all so different and it was hard to keep them unified with such different editing.