Friday, December 16, 2011

Holiday Card!

This was a holiday card I created for our assignment. I like the mint green color of the card. It's different from the typical red, green, and blue, but you still get a winter vibe from it. I found a picture of a happy family off the internet that happened to go great with the color! After adding the texting, I found a cute snowflake for some detail that I think completes the card. I really like the overall simplicity of the card and am happy with how it turned out.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Comic Strip!

For this assignment, we were told to take pictures and create a comic strip out of them. I used pictures I had taken for my most recent photography assignment, which happened to be over my brother's birthday. I took that into fact and decided to make my comic strip about my brother's birthday. I really like how the editing of the pictures came out. The only thing I wish I was able to do was color his hair in as well but I could not get the color right. 

Monday, November 21, 2011 review is a website that takes a picture and merges it with another one. Like the one above, I chose a picture of snoopy and it was merged with a template on Photo505 and made it look like it had been drawn on a chalkboard. I think this site is really cool for making funny/cool images. There's tons of templates to choose from and all you need is an image of your own and you could have a really cool picture. It is not difficult to use at all; you just have to choose an image and a template and it does the rest for you! So it's super easy and even kids could use it! I think it would be nice to have this link on the webpage because you could use it at home and send the cool pictures you create to your friends! review is an online website that is really close to Photoshop CS5. It has a lot of the features that Photoshop has and is just as easy to use, if not easier. It has some cool effects like kaleidoscope that I used in the top picture. You are also able to draw on a blank canvas just like you would in Photoshop. Aside from a few filters there isn't that much more on Pixlr than Photoshop and makes it a great alternative for someone who can't afford Photoshop. Photoshop just has a lot of added features that allows you to really play with your photos. I think this would mainly target teens and up because it might be a little too complex for children but other than that it is great! I would recommend this being on the webpage because it is a great way to simply edit some photos from home!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Abstract inspired by Marla..

These were two abstract paintings I made on Photoshop after watching My Kid Could Paint That. The first one was actually inspired by one of Marla's painting on her website that had vivid colors in abstract shapes with a black outline around them. I took that idea and made it my own and played with different brushes and the smudge tool. I think using the smudge tool completed the project and made it look a lot more abstract and I really like all the colors in it contrasting with the black. The second one I just kind of made up with no plan in mind. Again, I played with different brushes and used one to make kind of an exploding design coming out of the bottom right corner. I really like the brush strokes of the purple and the overall turn out.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Visual Puns!

For this assignment we had to make four different visual puns and then use a technique on it. First I messed with the Threshold for Light Head. Then I used overlay for Ceiling Fans. I made Dandy Lion and created a gradient. And lastly I made Pool Table and played with posterize. These were really fun to think of and I like how they turned out.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Halloween Kaleidoscope

This was a Halloween kaleidoscope I made of a Haunted House. After creating the kaleidoscope, I added a custom filter to try and make it a little bit eerier.. I think it turned out really cool. I like the moon centered in the middle and the haunted house around the edges. 

Monday, October 24, 2011


This was the kaleidoscope I created following the youtube tutorial. I like how the writing of the original picture sort of divided the kaleidoscope into 4 quadrants in the finish product. The center is interesting with the blue and purple pattern. I think this turned out really cool.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Spirit Week 4 Square #2

This was a second 4 square I did fairly quickly. This time I tried to focus more on adjusting the curves and levels than the filters. I don't think this one is as detailed as the first one but I am pleased with the finished product.

Spirit Week 4 Square

For this assignment we were told to take pictures of things from Spirit Week and turn them into a 4 square. I chose to take a picture of the junior mural of Little Mermaid. After duplicating the image 4 times, I played with the transformations, filters and curves until I got the desired image I wanted. Finally I put a line stroke down the center and across to define the 4 sections a little more. I really like the  final product with the different textures and strokes of the image.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Negative Space and Text

This is another negative space image, but for this one I used text. I thought this background with the Eiffel Tower is beautiful with the sunset. I then took the Statue of Liberty and made it negative space and placed words, that I created with wordle, that described the image inside. I like the idea of how the Statue of Liberty sort of fits in Paris but not really at the same time. I also like how the text brings all the colors of the image together. 

Negative Space, All About Me!

For this assignment we were told to take an image of ourself and turn it into negative space. I took the silhouette of myself and placed it in New York City. Then I took and image of a beach sunset and filled it in as my silhouette. Finally I placed a stroke around myself to make it stand out and more defined. New York and the beach are two of my favorite places so thats why I chose these images. I love the warm contrasting pink, purple, and yellow of the sunset to the cool colors of New York City.

Monday, October 3, 2011


This was a fun mini assignment we got to experiment with. We were told to go to which is a site that takes the text you submit and arranges it where the most repeated words are more prominent. This one was my favorite out of the ones I did where I used the lyrics from The Story of Us by Taylor Swift.

Friday, September 30, 2011

15 Green Things #2

This was another 15 Green Things image I did, arranging the images differently this time. This time I used the Free Air image as the main background. This image is quite different than the other one, with not as much color. I can't decide which one I like better but I like how this one turned out too.

15 Green Things

For this assignment, we were give 15 different green images that we had to compose into our own image. I used the archway as my main focus and made all the other images details of the image. I changed the color of the images using the color replacement tool, so they weren't all green. I skewed some images too, to make it look more realistic. It was a challenging assignment, but I like how it turned out. 

Monday, September 19, 2011

Crazy Combos!

For this assignment, we were told to take several different images and make them all into one crazy thing. Most people would choose animals for this assignment, but i chose to use some of my favorite disney characters. I used Tinkerbell as my body, Simba as the head, Buzz as a second pair of wings, Minnie for a bow, hands, and feet, Cinderella for a dress, Slinky for the behind, Little Mermaid for the tail and Doug grabbing on to Slinkys leg. I placed the completed animation on a pier at the ocean. I really like how this crazy combo turned out!

Monday, September 12, 2011


For this assignment we were given a psd with several different images. We were given specific steps, but told to make it our own. I made two different versions of this image, one with the tie-dye background and one with the grafitti. I like the tie-dye one more because it is less busy and easier to see all the images but I like how both of them came out.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Deleting Part of an Image



For this assignment, we were told to remove something from a photo using the lasso tool. I decided to use a picture from The Little Mermaid and removed Flounder from above Ariel, as you can see. Flounder was the easiest to remove because he was away from everything else and the background was simple so it gave the best result. I think this turned out really well.


I also did the same thing on this picture from the movie UP. On this one, I removed the balloons from the house. It didn't edit out completely well, so I fixed it up a little bit my covering the remaining balloons with some more of the sky. I like how this one turned out kind of comical.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

History Brush

For this assignment, we were assigned to use the history brush after desaturating the image to bring some color back to it. I choose to use this daisy to bring the color back to and leave the sky without color. Daisy's are my favorite flower and I really like the simplicity of this picture. Not only of the picture itself but of the colors of the daisy. I'm really satisfied with how this picture turned out.