Monday, November 21, 2011 review is an online website that is really close to Photoshop CS5. It has a lot of the features that Photoshop has and is just as easy to use, if not easier. It has some cool effects like kaleidoscope that I used in the top picture. You are also able to draw on a blank canvas just like you would in Photoshop. Aside from a few filters there isn't that much more on Pixlr than Photoshop and makes it a great alternative for someone who can't afford Photoshop. Photoshop just has a lot of added features that allows you to really play with your photos. I think this would mainly target teens and up because it might be a little too complex for children but other than that it is great! I would recommend this being on the webpage because it is a great way to simply edit some photos from home!

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