Friday, May 18, 2012

Cumulative Project: Web Advertisement!

For the Web Advertisement, I decided to use a piece of notebook paper as my background. I left all the writing in black and used a font that looked like handwriting. It gives the look as if the image was all done by hand, but it was really all done on the computer. I chose to make it look like each of my works was taped to the paper. I then used a gradient behind the paper to give it a darkening effect at the bottom. While it may look really informal, I think it shows how you can use photoshop to create unexpected images.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Series of 6!

For this assignment, we had to choose a theme from Hotel Rwanda to base a series of 6 different images on. I chose trepidation: a feeling of fear or agitation about something that may happen. In Hotel Rwanda, the Hutu's lived in fear everyday of being murdered by the Tutsi's. For my first image, I placed images from the movie that I felt captured that feeling behind the word. For the rest of my images, I chose some of the top devastations in the world that have happened in the last two decades, beginning with Hotel Rwanda. I then did 911, Hurricane Isabel, Haiti Earthquake, and Japan Tsunami. I feel everyone lives in fear of these disasters happening again. Although most are natural disasters, and there is a great possibility that they could happen again, the others are not. People fear of an earthquake, or a hurricane wiping everything out and leaving them with nothing, or an act of terrorism killing thousands of innocent people. I kept the editing of these images fairly simple, trying to capture the devastation of each event. I feel each of these can stand on their own as a powerful image, or can be combined to show great emotion of our past. I'm very pleased with how all of these turned out.