Friday, December 16, 2011

Holiday Card!

This was a holiday card I created for our assignment. I like the mint green color of the card. It's different from the typical red, green, and blue, but you still get a winter vibe from it. I found a picture of a happy family off the internet that happened to go great with the color! After adding the texting, I found a cute snowflake for some detail that I think completes the card. I really like the overall simplicity of the card and am happy with how it turned out.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Comic Strip!

For this assignment, we were told to take pictures and create a comic strip out of them. I used pictures I had taken for my most recent photography assignment, which happened to be over my brother's birthday. I took that into fact and decided to make my comic strip about my brother's birthday. I really like how the editing of the pictures came out. The only thing I wish I was able to do was color his hair in as well but I could not get the color right.